To answer all of your burning questions

What is a discovery call?

This is the first stepping stone on your photographic journey. You’ve picked a package, we’ve locked it in and now we get to connect.

Your discovery call is a pre-shoot chat, where I get to know all about you, your gorgeous spirit, your shoot goals and your story, so I can start to plan the perfect experience for you and bring your vision to life to capture images as unique and amazing as you are.

It’s also an opportunity for me to walk you through the process and answer any questions you may have, so you feel comfortable and confident through every stage of your experience.

Do you only shoot yoga?

Absolutely not! I’ve been a lifestyle & portrait photographer for 15 years. Much of that time was spent shooting all sorts of people, places & spaces from all walks of life, in all corners of the world.

While Yotography is seated in Yoga, it’s less about the physical practise and more about the Yoga mindset, which essentially comes down to one thing; If you’re in passionate pursuit of a more conscious, connected & creative life, and you’re sharing that journey with the world, then you’re in! 

I welcome all soul-based businesses, be it natural-practitioners, holistic-humans, conscious creatives, life-coaches, activists, spiritual-sistas, meditation mentors or yogis. If you’re sparked by soul-purpose, then I want to work with you!

If you’d love to work with me on a project that doesn’t fall under the soul-based banner, then check out the O.G –  @charli_marden_photography where we can collaborate & create even more together!

Can you walk me through the experience?

I want to create a soul-nourishing experience for you from day dot; a perfect platform to seed your story from. This means taking time to develop a relationship, have a chat in your discovery call & start planning how I can hold space for you to capture exactly what you’ve been imagining.

Once the details are fine-tuned, I’ll send you a contract with all that info in it. You just take a peek to confirm the deets, then sign & send back and we’re good to go!

Then of course there’s shoot day (yay!) when all the prep plays-out and we get to slow down, tune in and zen out together. I want you to enjoy this time, feeling free-in-flow, blissed out and soaking in self-love. It’s sort of like hanging with your bestie, while creating magic.

Lastly, I create your gallery, diligently perfecting each image in post-production, with insight, expertise, intention & my own individual style. I’d like to say this is my favourite part but to be honest, I love it ALL!

Sound good? Let’s connect!

How long does it take to get my images?

Depending on the package you’ve booked. It can take anywhere from 1-2 weeks to receive your professionally edited images. 

If you need images sooner, please get in touch to discuss the options.

Do I get to choose my images?

Absolutely! After your shoot you will be sent a link and password to your own private gallery on the Yotography website. Here you will be able to view all the images from your shoot and easily select the ones you’d like.

What if I want more images than my package includes?

If you decide after your shoot that you love more images, than what was included in your package, then first of all YAY! Secondly, you can easily purchase additional images after your shoot at the individual package rates listed in our Mix + Match package.

If you know you want more but it’s not in your budget right now, I also leave your gallery live for a while after your shoot, so you can come back after your initial selections and purchase more images when it works best for your schedule or budget.

If you know ahead of time that you’ll want more than what you see in the packages, send me an email & I can customise a package to suit your needs.

What is a custom colour guide?

It’s a time-saving tool that takes the hassle out of pre-shoot prep and boosts your brand, by keeping your images on-brand & on-point.

Most beneficial for groups, brands and business shoots, it’s a digital-friendly document I prepare for you, after our discovery call; A customised, visual example of your branding colours and complementary tones, that your yogis can use as a guide when deciding what to wear for the shoot. It also includes some written go-to guidance on what to wear and what to avoid, curated to your specific goals.


Share all the info, with all your staffers, in one fell swoop & save yourself the time of relaying info on repeat.

What is a shoot-list?

 If you’re anything like me, you love a list (hello type-A!) which is exactly what this is; A time-saving, hassle-freeing, content-maximising document I prepare for you, after our discovery call. 

It’s especially helpful if we’re shooting for your business, for marketing or for an event or retreat, where there may be specific people, poses, places or products you need to be captured.

It lays out exactly what shots you want to capture, so on shoot day: 

  • Your brain is given a break while everything crucial is captured and you can enjoy the experience without forgetting anything in the flurry (it happens to the best of us)
  • We maximise your marketing material by capturing useable content to complement your copy (No more pretty pictures without a purpose!)
  • You skip the hassle of DIY-ing it and save yourself time (you productive genius, you)

Long story short, it’s a win, win….WIN!

What is a photo release & why do I need one?

There’s a little law that exists that prevents businesses, brands or individuals from sharing images that capture others, without their consent. 

So if your images include anyone but yourself and you plan on using them in a public setting (like socials or your website) then you need your peeps to sign a release form prior to your shoot.

A photo release is a simple, quick & reliable way to ensure you have the written consent of each person involved in your shoot, so they know what they’re agreeing to and you know they’re cool with it, before you start posting their pics, avoiding any unplanned (and potentially costly) oopsy-moments later.

What if the weather ruins our plans?

Even the best laid plans can be bumped by weather (we live in Melbourne after all) but fear not! Because we can always reschedule.

If rescheduling takes place no less than 24 hours prior to the shoot, there is no cancellation fees. So lets keep an eye on the weather & stay in touch, to avoid disappointment!

Are there any additional fees?

All our packages are fully inclusive. What you’re quoted is what you pay. Any additional costs will be discussed prior to undertaking the work – Long story short, no sneaky surprises here!

Beyond the package inclusions, additional costs can include;

Travel – shoot locations within Melbourne Metro are included in packages rates. Outside of the Melbourne Metro area, travel is charged at 75c p/km. Unless exempt for an advertised event, like scheduled  interstate shoot days etc.

Additional Editing – All packages include basic editing. This includes cropping, rotating, scaling, removing blemishes, teeth whitening, basic shape enhancements, colour and tone corrections or enhancements and vignette (if applicable) Anything beyond this is considered additional editing and is charged at $97/hr. No additional editing will occur without your prior consent.

Pre or Post production – If you need my help finding the perfect prop, professional, person or place, I’ve got you covered! After being a photographer for 15 years, my little black book of people & places that enhance your experience is infinite. So if you want me to organise hair, makeup, a studio, a model or even write up a shoot list to make sure you get the most from your shoot, I can happily do that for you. Rates for this service are $97p/hr + any applicable fees from vendors (eg makeup artist costs or venue fees etc).

How does payment work?

Easy Peasy! A non-refundable 50% deposit is due at the time of booking to hold your shoot date. The remaining balance is due the week before your shoot. 

Your specific payment schedule & balance due dates will be reflected in your shoot contract, as well as ways to pay.

Cash, bank transfer or card payments over the phone accepted.

What should I wear?

Similar to the weather, this can be relatively individual to the person, shoot and vibes you want to bring or the branding you want to represent. For specific guidance, please get in touch but some general guides below: 

Avoid clothing with words or logos on them as it can distract from your gorgeous self in the photos. Obviously there’s an exemption to the logo rule if you’re representing your studio or brand, but if you’re thinking of rocking a Rip-Curl tee or Nike Hoodie, just cos, I’d advise against it to achieve your most bomb-diggity shots.

Similarly with patterns, unless it’s specific to your brand or style, try to avoid loud or busy patterns. This is especially important if there’s more than one person in the shots. No one wants to lose focus on the humans because they’re lost in a visual clash-city of patterns.

If you’re shooting in groups – complimenting is more important than matching. This means choosing a range of tones that work well together when they’re side by side – like those all-important studio staff shots! We don’t need to see a line up of identical matching black leggings and white tees but a mix of tones that blend and complement really helps keep your aesthetic on point and your pictures oh-so-pretty! If you’d like some help with this, take a look at our time & hassle saving, Custom Colour Guides that keep your images on-point & on-brand. 

Lets get yoga specific; I love a baggy tee as much as the next yogi but sometimes looser-fit clothes can swallow up the pose, leaving the lines of your body lost in lens-translation. So if you want to capture intricate inversions in all their glory or highlight the form in your flow, tight clothes work best.

How many wardrobe changes can I make?

The quantity of wardrobe changes we can work with, in one shoot, ranges from 1 – 4 outfits. The specific number of outfits allowed, varies depending on the type of shoot you book. Please get in touch if you’d like to know the specific options for you. 

What time of day is the best?

This depends on the vibe you want to achieve. I’m always happy to offer guidance for your specific shoot but as a general guide;

If you want soft & moody vibes with cooler tones, aim for “Blue hour” this is roughly one hour pre-sunrise. It brings a beautiful stillness and tranquility to your images. 

If you want warm romantic light that gives you a golden glow and the depth of moody shadows, aim for “Golden Hour” roughly 1 hour before sunset. Plenty of eye catching sun flares to play with here and magical halos of light, to frame your face or asana.

Lighter over cast days; These days are like earth-sized photo-studios. The sun is our light and the clouds are our light diffusers AKA real-life-filters that keep the light beautifully even and fresh. This is your best option if you want light and airy feels. 

Avoid crazy wind, it will make your eyes water and whip your hair around in ways you will not love; trust me when I say, there’s some looks you don’t want to immortalise. Also avoid harsh sunlight. No one wants to squint their way through a shoot or deal with harsh shadows ruining the shot. 

Your photographer will always do the best they can in any environment but no matter how good your photographer is, some things can’t be fixed in photoshop! So following these simple tips will ensure you get the BEST photos every time.

What do I need to do before my shoot?

When you book your session & we begin our journey together, I’ll go over what’s specific to you in our discovery call, but if you’re already here, reading all-the-things and being a proactive-champion, then first of all – GO YOU! you list-loving legend – secondly; a simple guide of to-do’s for you to tick off before your shoot:

Book your session

Easily done via the website. Just peruse the packages & pick the one that’s right for you. Or shoot me an email to talk about customising something to suit your needs.

Pay your deposit

Because my schedule gets pretty full, pretty quickly, I want to make sure you get the specific date you requested, which is why a 50% deposit is required when you book. It ensures I can make myself available to you, so you get what you want when you want.

Discovery Call

One of my favourite parts of your experience. I get to know you, you get to know me and we get excited talking all the what, when, where’s & whys.

Sign your contract & send it back

After our discovery call, I’ll send you a neat little document that explains in writing, all the important shoot details we covered in your call as well as the T & C’s and payment schedule for your shoot. Simply sign & send back before your shoot so I know I’ve got the green light to capture your goals.

Collect Inspo 

This is optional, but if you’re inspired by a particular vibe or style, share it with me! Screen-shot pics you love or, if you’re feeling really motivated, create a mood-board on Pinterest & share it with me.

Choose your outfit

You may know exactly what you want to wear already but if you’re unsure check out my “What should I wear” FAQ for some simple guidance on what works best in photos. If you’re rocking more than one outfit, make sure you have it all packed & ready to go.

Photo Release Forms

If there’s more than one person involved in your shoot, they likely need to sign a photo release. I’ve got you covered with a custom doc I’ll email it to you, so all you need to do is distribute it to your crew and send me the signed copies.

Pay your remaining balance

By now you’ve already paid your deposit and you’ve read about this in your contract, so you’ve got the process down! Just make sure your remaining balance is paid no later than 1 week prior to shooting day, to keep the flow-a-go.

Get Excited

Because that’s it lovely! To-Do list nailed & I will see you on shoot day (weeee!)


View my simple packages suitable for individuals, to soul-based businesses, and anything in between. My package prices reflect the time, creativity, expertise, energy & love I invest into your whole experience, before during and after our time together.


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