Terms and Conditions


Photographs & images produced by Yotography are protected by Copyright Law (all rights reserved).

Upon final payment, you are allowed to display your images for personal use. 

The images must not be altered or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of Yotography. This includes the use of digital filters, on socials.

When publishing the photos socially or commercially, Yotography must be noted or tagged as the photographer. 

You must obtain written permission from Yotography prior to you, or your associates, friends or relatives selling or commercially publishing the photographs.



For full photoshoots, a non-refundable retainer of 50% of the total package investment, is due at the time of booking. The remaining balance is due 3 days prior to your shoot date.

For mini-sessions, a retainer of $100AUD is due at the time of booking the shoot or the waitlist. The remaining balance is due 3 days prior to your shoot date.

Payments accepted via PayPal or bank transfer. 

Late payments incur a fee of $14.95AUD.

PAYMENT PLANS: Payment Plans can be customised for any full-photoshoot booking and paid via PayPal direct debit, in fortnightly or monthly instalments. There is a fee of $8AUD per month for this service. Late installment payments incur a fee of $10AUD per week.

All photoshoot bookings must be paid in full, prior to the commencement of the photoshoot.

Liability for any/all costs associated with the postponement or cancellation of the photoshoot, due to late payment, is the responsibility of the client.



Sometimes the weather may not work out how we planned (it is Melbourne after all) Charli will check in with you a couple of days prior to your shoot to confirm the weather will work, but if we need to reschedule your shoot due to unworkable weather (including, but not limited to rain, excessive heat or wind, as determined by Charli) there is no forfeiture to your retainer and you can rest assured, Charli will find you a suitable alternate day and time to shoot, ASAP.


I understand sometimes things happen that are out of your control, so each full-photoshoot booking includes one reschedule, without forfeiture, for unforeseen & compassionate circumstances, if booked within the same month as your original booking. 

Unforeseen & compassionate circumstances include government imposed lockdowns, restrictions and/or COVID related isolation periods, COVID positive tests, extreme weather and death in the family. 

If you choose to cancel as a result of a delay or reschedule caused by an unforeseen  or compassionate circumstance, as outlined above, that prevents in part, or prohibits entirely, a legal or practical shoot, your retainer is forfeited in full.

Reschedules booked outside of the original booking month will incur a 50% forfeiture of the retainer. 

Multiple reschedules, change-of-mind reschedules & cancellations incur full forfeiture of the retainer.


In the event of unforeseen circumstances, as outlined above, you can reschedule to the next available round of sessions without deposit forfeiture, with a minimum of 72 hours notice.

If you choose to cancel, do not wish to book the next available session space, or give less than 24 hours notice, of a reschedule your retainer is forfeited in full.



In the unlikely event that Charli is injured, becomes ill, has an emergency, is affected by a government imposed lockdown, restriction and/or COVID related isolation period,  or death in the family, that prevents her from photographing the shoot, as planned, Charli will contact you as soon as possible, to arrange another suitable date and time, ASAP.

If an appropriate reschedule and reshoot cannot be agreed upon, Charli/Yotography is limited to the return of all payments received for the photoshoot.

Charli takes the upmost care with respect to exposure, storage, and processing of the photographs/images, but cannot and does not, guarantee that photographs/images  will not be lost, stolen, or destroyed for reasons within or beyond Charli’s control. In the unlikely event that this should happen, Charli’s full and complete responsibility and liability is limited to the return of all payments received for the photoshoot, in lieu of an appropriate reschedule and reshoot being agreed upon.



Your photoshoot includes professional editing. Up to three times the package-included amount of images, will be edited for proofing, within a basic capacity. “Basic capacity” is strictly limited to cropping, rotating, scaling, removing blemishes, teeth whitening, simple shape manipulation, colour and tone corrections or enhancements. Anything beyond this is considered advanced editing and is charged at $97AUD per hour. No advanced editing will occur without your prior consent.

Images are digitally delivered for proofing via email link to a private, password protected gallery on yotography.com.au, within 14 days of your shoot date. 

Final edited images will be available for digital download, via Dropbox, for no more than 14 days from the day you receive the link.



If you love more images than what’s included in your original package booking (YAY!) you’re welcome to purchase additional images. Image rates can be found on the ‘Mix & Match’ package pricing page.

All additional images must be paid in full, before they are released.

Yotography will keep your private client folder live on yotography.com.au for 30 days, should you choose to select/purchase additional images, further down the track. 

If anything is unclear or you have any further questions, contact Charli by clicking the ‘GET IN TOUCH’ tab, above.

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